I read my first post in my portfolio, and I can see a lot of differences than my final post.
My fluency in the first term is not good, but in the final of the third term, I feel happy, because I have improved my fluency and I haven't got so many problems than the first term.
My oral presentations are very different, I don't like first oral, the second oral lither, but the last oral presentation in first batxillerat is much better! I dominate the topic and I have good intonation, the rhythmic of my voice is quite good and I feel cheerful.
I think the activity which improve my level of English is the oral presentation, because this activity forces people to prepare and study the presentation and work your intonation, your fluency, your words and your sentences.
The public is very important, because you have nerves and you learn the form to kill this nerves, and I think this is very important.
I don't see any activities which don't improve my English level, because when you write, listen and speak in English, you have learn. Therefore, you always learn English!
The funnier activities are the oral presentations, see the others of the class, because you learn and you are happy because your friends talk about one topic, and you learn it.
Next year... If I could make a wish, I beg to pass second batxillerat! Jaja!
Be serious, Teachers, I wish another year than this, because I like this type of classes and I need to improve my English!
Thanks for all Lourdes!
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