viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Magna is 'very close' to GM deal:

Lord Mandelson say: after reports that Magna had reached an agreement in principle to rescue GM Europe.
One meeting in Berlin, attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel, other ministers and officials from the German states that contain GM plants to discuss whether to approve the offer from Magna.
Magna has said it will inject between 500m and 700m euros into Opel, assuming the deal gains government approval.
There have been suggestions, in German media that it may be cheaper for the German government to allow GM Europe to declare itself insolvent than to allow it to be bought.

Words I lern:

-Reports: informacions
-Reached: atrapat (alcanzado)
-Attended: assistit
-Chancellor: Canceller
-Contain: contindre

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