viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

V for Vendetta:

" V of Vendetta " it's set in the near future: England has turned into a totalitarian and fascist condition state.
A young woman of the hard-working class who is rescued of a situation of life or death by a mysterious masked man known like V. V is an extremely complex, educated, extravagant, tender and intellectual man, who dedicates her life to liberating the citizens of the claws of those that they submit by means of the terror.
But at the same time it's bitter, solitary and violent, and is obsessed by the personal revenge. In his search for liberating the people of England of the corruption and the cruelty with which his government has poisoned her, V will condemn the tyrannical character of his leaders and will invite the citizens to join him in the glooms of the Parliament on November 5: the day of Guy Fawkes.

I'don't see more than this!

4 new expresions:
-citizens: ciutadans
-cruelty: crueltat
-bitter: amarg
-tender: oferta

Magna is 'very close' to GM deal:

Lord Mandelson say: after reports that Magna had reached an agreement in principle to rescue GM Europe.
One meeting in Berlin, attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel, other ministers and officials from the German states that contain GM plants to discuss whether to approve the offer from Magna.
Magna has said it will inject between 500m and 700m euros into Opel, assuming the deal gains government approval.
There have been suggestions, in German media that it may be cheaper for the German government to allow GM Europe to declare itself insolvent than to allow it to be bought.

Words I lern:

-Reports: informacions
-Reached: atrapat (alcanzado)
-Attended: assistit
-Chancellor: Canceller
-Contain: contindre

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

My oral exposition!!

opinion essay


I disagree with the idea that we have almost learnt to respect our world. In my opinion, humans have broken the harmony and the nature of this world.

It is clear that humans cut the trees in the forests, kill animals because they need the meat to eat. However, yhe nourishing chain is like this, but, sometimes humans don't kill to eat, they kill for caprice, and this is very bad, because they eliminate species of the world. Don't forget all the rubbish that the humans have generated for so many years with their factories.

Sometimes I prefer to think about the education of the world. Humans create a new world, technology and science are the most important, and in this world, humans have to learn to survive all the threats, and this is very important.

In conclusion, I would say that the planet isn't very good, because he have some rubbish, and some species are die, but this one is the world of the humans, it is never going to change, unless we try to improve in the future.

Xavier Oliveras.