jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

Business Daily: Art market hits hard times:

Busines Daily worders if the slump in the art market might not be a god thing.

Maybe a lot of rubbish has been going for sky-high prices in the age of bling and the recission will bring it all back to earth.

Should we care if the bubble in the market for modern art and sculpture has burst?

The grand art auction in New York are now failing to delive the astronomical prices for trendy works that the once did. In a recent series of sals of Russian art works that were expected to go for about $60milions fetched $40milions insead.



BURST: rebentar-se
INSTEAD: en lloc de
FETCH: portar
SLUMP: depresió
RUBBISH: basura
WONDER: merevellar-se

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